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S42-Core Controller Class

Controller Documentation

The Controller class is part of the s42-core package and provides an intuitive and flexible way to define endpoints for HTTP requests. It supports dynamic routing, middleware chaining, and multiple HTTP methods for each path.

This class is designed to work seamlessly with the RouteControllers class to manage application routes efficiently.


The Controller class:

  • Simplifies defining HTTP endpoints.
  • Supports middlewares for processing requests.
  • Handles multiple HTTP methods for a single endpoint.
  • Allows dynamic parameterized routes.


Install the s42-core package:

Terminal window
npm install s42-core


Basic Example

import { Controller } from 's42-core';
const helloController = new Controller('GET', '/hello', async (req, res) => {
return res.json({ message: 'Hello, World!' });

Adding Middlewares

You can chain multiple middlewares for preprocessing the request. Middlewares are executed in order and can optionally return a Response. If a middleware returns undefined, the next middleware in the chain is executed.

helloController.use(async (req, res) => {
req.timestamp =; // Add custom data to the request
helloController.use(async (req, res) => {`Request received at: ${req.timestamp}`);

Handling Multiple Methods

You can add multiple HTTP methods for a single controller.;

This allows the same path /hello to handle GET, POST, and DELETE requests.

Dynamic Parameters

Define dynamic routes with parameters:

const userController = new Controller('GET', '/users/:userId', async (req, res) => {
return res.json({ userId: req.params.userId });

The req.params object contains the dynamic parameters parsed from the URL.

Key Methods


constructor(method: TYPE_HTTP_METHOD, path: string, callback: Middleware);
  • method: The HTTP method for the route (e.g., GET, POST).
  • path: The route path (e.g., /users/:userId).
  • callback: The primary middleware for handling the request.

getPath(): string

Returns the path associated with the controller.

getMethods(): TYPE_HTTP_METHOD[]

Returns an array of HTTP methods supported by the controller.

use(callback: Middleware): this

Adds a middleware to the controller. Middlewares are executed in the order they are added.

HTTP Methods

These methods allow adding HTTP methods to the controller:

  • get(): Adds GET method.
  • post(): Adds POST method.
  • delete(): Adds DELETE method.
  • put(): Adds PUT method.
  • patch(): Adds PATCH method.
  • options(): Adds OPTIONS method.
  • update(): Adds UPDATE method.

getCallback(): (req: Request, res: Res) => Promise<Response>

Returns a callback function that handles the incoming request. The function executes the middleware chain and returns a Response.

Example Integration with RouteControllers

The Controller class is designed to work with RouteControllers. Here’s an example:

import { Controller, RouteControllers, Server } from 's42-core';
const helloController = new Controller('GET', '/hello', async (req, res) => {
return res.json({ message: 'Hello, World!' });
const userController = new Controller('GET', '/users/:userId', async (req, res) => {
return res.json({ userId: req.params.userId });
const routeControllers = new RouteControllers([
const server = new Server();
await server.start({
port: 3000,
RouteControllers: routeControllers,
});'Server running at:', server.getURL());


  1. Dynamic Routing: Supports static, dynamic, and wildcard routes.
  2. Middleware Support: Enables layered request processing.
  3. Flexible Methods: Easily handle multiple HTTP methods for a single path.
  4. Integration-Ready: Designed to work with RouteControllers for efficient routing.


  • Modular: Allows defining endpoints as self-contained modules.
  • Chainable: Add multiple methods and middlewares fluently.
  • Error Handling: Includes robust error handling for middleware chains.
  • Dynamic Parameters: Supports parameterized routes for flexible routing.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.