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Welcome to S42- Core

Start building the next generation of backend solutions with s42-core! Modular, scalable, and optimized for modern architectures, s42-core is your ultimate toolkit for backend development.

What is s42-core?


s42-core is a robust and flexible Bun.js library designed to simplify the development of modern, scalable, and modular applications. Built with performance and developer productivity in mind, s42-core is particularly well-suited for microservices and cell-based architectures. It empowers developers to create high-performance solutions that are easy to maintain, update, and scale.

Key Features

Microservices and Cell-Based Architectures

s42-core provides out-of-the-box support for microservices and cell-based architectures. It enables developers to build modular applications where each microservice or cell can operate independently while communicating seamlessly. This design promotes better scalability and maintainability.

Framework Agnostic

Unlike many libraries, s42-core does not lock you into a specific framework. You can integrate it with any framework or even use it standalone. Whether you are working with Bun.js, Express, Fastify, or Nest.js, s42-core fits seamlessly into your existing tech stack, allowing gradual adoption.

Optimized for Bun.js

As a library built specifically for Bun.js, s42-core takes full advantage of Bun’s performance capabilities. This results in faster application execution, reduced startup times, and lower resource consumption.

High Performance

Applications built with s42-core are optimized for demanding environments. It employs efficient patterns and practices, ensuring smooth and responsive performance even under heavy workloads.

Simplified Monorepo Management

s42-core promotes modularity by facilitating the development of small, reusable software components (atoms). This makes it easier to manage and scale monorepos, as code can be shared and reused across multiple projects within a single repository.

Features Overview

Cluster Management

Easily manage multiple processes with the built-in Cluster module. Whether you’re scaling horizontally or running multiple worker threads, s42-core provides seamless clustering capabilities.

Server-Sent Events (SSE)

s42-core simplifies the implementation of real-time communication with its Server-Sent Events (SSE) support. Push updates from the server to clients effortlessly, enabling real-time functionality in your applications.

Event-Driven Architecture

With the EventsDomain class, s42-core allows you to implement a fully event-driven architecture. Microservices can emit and listen to domain events, fostering a decoupled and resilient system.

SQLite and Redis Support

s42-core includes built-in support for SQLite and Redis, enabling fast and efficient data storage and caching solutions. It also simplifies interactions with these databases, so you can focus on your application’s logic.

Dynamic Routing

The RouteControllers module provides dynamic routing capabilities, allowing you to create flexible and modular route configurations for your application.

Use Cases

Real-Time Applications

Leverage SSE to implement real-time features such as live notifications, dashboards, or chat applications.

Event-Driven Systems

Build event-driven architectures where microservices communicate through domain events. For instance, emit an event when a user registers, and have another microservice listen for this event to send a welcome email.

Modular Monorepos

With s42-core, you can structure your codebase as reusable components, promoting better collaboration and faster development cycles.

Data-Intensive Applications

Effortlessly integrate SQLite and Redis for efficient data management, ensuring optimal performance for data-intensive operations.

Getting Started


To install s42-core, run:

Terminal window
bun add s42-core

Usage Examples

Using EventsDomain for Microservices Communication

The EventsDomain class enables seamless event-based communication between microservices. For example, you can use it to emit an event from a user registration service and listen to it in an email notification service.

import { EventsDomain, RedisClient } from 's42-core';
const redisInstance = RedisClient.getInstance('redis://localhost:6379');
const eventsDomain = EventsDomain.getInstance(redisInstance, 'service-uuid');
// Emit an event
eventsDomain.emitEvent('user.registered', {
email: '',
name: 'John Doe',
// Listen to an event
eventsDomain.listenEvent('user.registered', (payload) => {'User registered:', payload);

Creating Controllers

Controllers handle HTTP requests and middleware. Here’s an example of creating a simple controller:

import { Controller } from 's42-core';
const userController = new Controller('POST', '/users', async (req, res) => {
const userData = req.body;'User data received:', userData);
res.json({ success: true, data: userData });

Integrating Controllers with RouteControllers

RouteControllers organize and manage multiple controllers efficiently:

import { RouteControllers, Controller } from 's42-core';
const healthController = new Controller('GET', '/health', async (req, res) => {
const router = new RouteControllers([userController, healthController]);
// Use the router in your server
server.start({ RouteControllers: router });

Server-Sent Events (SSE)

Easily implement real-time communication with the SSE class:

import { SSE, Controller } from 's42-core';
const sseController = new Controller('GET', '/events', async (req) => {
const sse = new SSE(req);
setInterval(() => {
sse.send({ eventName: 'time', eventPayload: { time: new Date().toISOString() } });
}, 1000);
return sse.getResponse();

Cluster Management

The Cluster class simplifies worker process management:

import { Cluster } from 's42-core';
const cluster = new Cluster({ name: 'example-cluster', maxCPU: 4, watch: true });
cluster.start('./worker.js', (error) => {
if (error) console.error('Cluster failed:', error);
cluster.onWorkerMessage((message) => {'Message from worker:', message);

For assistance, you can contact the author via Telegram or email:

Explore the documentation to learn more about leveraging the power of s42-core in your projects.