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S42-Core SQLite



The SQLIte class provides a simple interface for interacting with a SQLite database using Node.js. It supports both file-based and in-memory databases and provides basic methods for creating, dropping, inserting, deleting, and selecting data from tables.


The primary goal of the SQLIte class is to provide a convenient and type-safe wrapper around SQLite operations, allowing developers to interact with a SQLite database in a structured and secure manner.

Key Features

  • Flexible Database Initialization: Supports both file-based and in-memory SQLite databases.
  • CRUD Operations: Provides methods for creating tables, inserting data, deleting data, and selecting data from tables.
  • Secure Query Handling: Uses parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection.
  • Error Handling: Includes robust error handling to manage database operations safely.


constructor(props: TypeSQLiteConnection)

Initializes a new SQLite connection based on the provided configuration.

  • props: An object specifying the connection type (‘file’ or ‘memory’) and an optional filename for file-based databases.


const db = new SQLIte({ type: 'file', filename: 'mydatabase.db' });


Closes the SQLite database connection.



createTable(tableName: string, schema: TypeTableSchema)

Creates a new table with the specified name and schema.

  • tableName: The name of the table to create.
  • schema: An object representing the schema of the table, where the keys are column names and the values are column types.


db.createTable('users', { username: 'TEXT', age: 'INTEGER' });

dropTable(tableName: string)

Drops the table with the specified name if it exists.

  • tableName: The name of the table to drop.



delete(tableName: string, where: string, params: any[])

Deletes rows from the specified table that match the given condition.

  • tableName: The name of the table from which to delete rows.
  • where: A SQL WHERE clause specifying the condition for deletion.
  • params: An array of parameters to replace placeholders in the WHERE clause.


db.delete('users', 'age > ?', [30]);

insert(tableName: string, data: { [key: string]: any })

Inserts a new row into the specified table with the given data.

  • tableName: The name of the table into which to insert the data.
  • data: An object representing the data to insert, where the keys are column names and the values are the values to insert.


db.insert('users', { username: 'Alice', age: 25 });

select(tableName: string, where: string, params: any[])

Selects rows from the specified table that match the given condition.

  • tableName: The name of the table from which to select rows.
  • where: A SQL WHERE clause specifying the condition for selection.
  • params: An array of parameters to replace placeholders in the WHERE clause.


const users ='users', 'age > ?', [20]);

Use Cases

Example: Basic SQLite Setup

This example demonstrates how to set up a basic SQLite database and perform common operations using the SQLIte class.

import { SQLIte } from './SQLIte'; // Import the SQLIte class from the appropriate path
const db = new SQLIte({ type: 'memory' });
// Create a new table
db.createTable('users', { username: 'TEXT', age: 'INTEGER' });
// Insert data into the table
db.insert('users', { username: 'Alice', age: 25 });
db.insert('users', { username: 'Bob', age: 30 });
// Select data from the table
const users ='users', 'age > ?', [20]);
// Delete data from the table
db.delete('users', 'age > ?', [30]);
// Drop the table
// Close the database connection

This example shows how to use the SQLIte class to interact with a SQLite database in Node.js, including creating a table, inserting data, selecting data, deleting data, and dropping the table.