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S42-Core MongoDB



The MongoClient class/module in s42-core provides an interface for interacting with MongoDB databases. It offers methods to connect to the database, retrieve collections, and perform operations on the data.

It is recommended to always call the getInstance method to get an instance of MongoClient instead of creating a new instance with the new operator. This ensures that there is a single instance managing the MongoDB connection, which is more efficient and reliable.



Establishes a connection to the MongoDB database. This method should be called before performing any database operations.

ObjectId(id: string)

Converts a string to an ObjectId, which is used as a unique identifier for documents in MongoDB.

  • id: The string to convert to an ObjectId.


Closes the MongoDB connection. This method should be called when the application is shutting down to ensure that all resources are properly released.


Returns the database instance that was connected. This can be used to perform database operations directly.

getCollection(colName: string)

Retrieves a collection from the database.

  • colName: The name of the collection to retrieve.

getInstance({ connectionString: string, database: string })

Returns the singleton instance of MongoClient. If an instance does not already exist, it creates a new one.

  • connectionString: The connection string for the MongoDB database.
  • database: The name of the database to connect to.



The native MongoDB client instance.


The database instance that was connected.


The name of the database.


The singleton instance of MongoClient.


Example 1: Connecting to MongoDB and Storing the Instance in Dependencies

In this example, we demonstrate how to connect to a MongoDB database using the MongoClient class and store the instance in the application’s dependencies. This setup ensures that the MongoDB instance is easily accessible throughout the application.

import { createServer } from 'node:http'
import {
} from 's42-core'
import { Router } from './routers.js'
const port = process.env.PORT ?? 3000
async (pid, uuid) => {'initializing: ', pid, uuid)
const mongoClient = MongoClient.getInstance({
connectionString: String(process.env?.MONGO_URI),
database: String(process.env?.MONGO_DB),
await mongoClient.connect()
const redisClient = RedisClient.getInstance('localhost')
const eventsDomain = EventsDomain.getInstance(redisClient, uuid)
Dependencies.add<MongoClient>('db', mongoClient)
Dependencies.add<RedisClient>('redis', redisClient)
Dependencies.add<EventsDomain>('eventsDomain', eventsDomain)
const server = createServer(await Router())
server.listen(port, () => {`ready on *:${port}`)
Shutdown([mongoClient.close, redisClient.close, eventsDomain.close])
() => {'Error trying start servers')

Example 2: Accessing the MongoDB Instance from a Controller to Insert a User

In this example, we show how to access the MongoDB instance from a controller to perform an operation, such as inserting a new user into a collection. This demonstrates the practical use of the MongoClient instance within different parts of the application.

import { type ServerResponse, type IncomingMessage } from 'node:http'
import { Dependencies, jsonParse, type MongoClient, type EventsDomain } from 's42-core'
type TypeUser = {
firstName: string
lastName: string
email: string
export const UsersController = async () => {
const db = Dependencies.get<MongoClient>('db') as MongoClient
const eventsDomain = Dependencies.get<EventsDomain>('eventsDomain') as EventsDomain
return async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
try {
const data = (await jsonParse(req)) as TypeUser
await db.getCollection('users').insertOne({,
remoteIp: req.socket.remoteAddress,
added: new Date(),
headers: req.headers,
eventsDomain.emitEvent('users.created', { })
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
res.end(JSON.stringify({ ok: true }))
} catch (error) {
res.writeHead(400, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
res.end(JSON.stringify({ ok: false, msg: String(error) }))

Additional Details

The MongoClient class in s42-core simplifies the process of connecting to and interacting with MongoDB databases. By using the singleton pattern through the getInstance method, it ensures that there is only one active connection to the database at any time, which helps manage resources more efficiently.