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S42-Core jsonParse



The jsonParse middleware in s42-core is designed to parse JSON bodies from incoming HTTP requests. It processes the request body, converting it from a raw string into a JavaScript object, which can then be used within your application.


The primary goal of the jsonParse middleware is to facilitate the handling of JSON data sent in HTTP requests. It ensures that the request body is correctly parsed into a usable format, allowing for easier manipulation and validation of the incoming data.


Event-Driven Parsing

The jsonParse middleware leverages Node.js’s event-driven architecture to read the request data. It listens for data chunks and accumulates them into a complete string representation of the body.

Error Handling

The middleware includes robust error handling to manage scenarios where the request body is invalid or empty. If the body cannot be parsed into a valid JSON object, it rejects the promise with an error, ensuring that your application can handle these cases gracefully.

Usage Scenarios

Handling API Requests

Use the jsonParse middleware to handle JSON data in API requests, ensuring that incoming payloads are correctly parsed and validated before further processing.

Integrating with Controllers

Integrate the jsonParse middleware with your controllers to seamlessly convert incoming request bodies into JavaScript objects, making it easier to access and manipulate the data.

Validating Input

Utilize the parsed JSON data to perform validation checks, ensuring that the incoming data meets the required schema and format for your application’s needs.


import { type IncomingMessage, type ServerResponse } from 'node:http'
import { jsonParse } from 's42-core'
import { type TypeServerResponse, type TypeIncomingFile } from '../types'
export const controllerUpload = async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
const jsonData: TypeIncomingFile = await jsonParse(req)'jsonData: ', jsonData)
ok: true,
} as TypeServerResponse),

By incorporating the jsonParse middleware into your s42-core application, you can efficiently manage and process JSON data from incoming HTTP requests, enhancing the robustness and reliability of your application’s data handling capabilities.